Our Running Pushchair

Running, it’s always been part of my life. 

I love the outdoors and love the places that fitness can take you. 

It’s important to me that I get back moving postpartum so that I’m fit and strong enough to keep  up with my boy for years to come. 

Childcare support is limited, moving and outdoor time is great for my mental and physical health, and I need to be fit to do my job, so a running pushchair is vital for me to get the runs in. The nice surprise for me was that my little boy loves it. He squeals with delight at the outdoors, is fascinated by vehicles, stares at trees, smiles and chats with anyone he sees and often gets lulled off to sleep by the movement of the pushchair. So it’s a win, win for us both.

I did a lot of reading about different types of chairs and decided on the Thule Glide 2. 

I struggle to describe how much value this pushchair has brought to my life so I wanted to write a review. 

It has big fixed wheels which make navigating bumps, curbs, steps etc easy. It makes a wider range of terrain accessible to us.

I thought I’d hate the fixed wheels but the chair is so light that a slight push down on the handle and a turn make small or large turns easy. 

The 5 point harness is super easy to use and feels firm and secure. 

The seat comes up to sitting or down to flat with a tug on the back clip. 

The foot brake is really easy to use.

Everything feels well made, really sturdy and durable. 

The weather covers (purchased separately) do exactly as intended and we run rain or shine. 

To fold it up and down is fairly straightforward, remove the front wheel then lift the flap and turn the gray handle. 

It has suspension! Which means we can get out onto the trails and enjoy the forest. 

When comparing to other running pushchairs the maximum child weight of 22kgs appeals, it should mean we get a good amount of use out of it. 

The only negatives are the length and width.

It’s longer than normal pushchairs so getting into shops etc is tricky, and it is tough to see the front wheel so if you aren’t used to it you can bump into things.

The under basket also doesn’t carry a lot of weight, and it is held on by velcro which can come loose if you put too much in the basket.

You have to purchase the sun and rain covers separately. I have found the sun cover particularly ‘tight’ to try and fit to the glide. They are both top quality though.

That being said I am so glad that we bought this pushchair, it has covered a lot of kilometres and is durable, strong and reliable.

We have had so many fun adventures together already and I look forward to many more.