UPDATE 31-Oct-2021,
It is a requirement for all attendees to be fully vaccinated in order to attend. Evidence of your vaccine status is required and can be provided via this link.
On behalf of the Mokihinui-Lyell Backcountry Trust, SQUADRUN proudly present the Old Ghost Road Training Camp 10-13 December 2021
A 4-day, 3-night tour of the 85km Old Ghost Road. Run the trail over two days staying at the ‘halfway point’, Stern Valley Hut.
This trip is strictly limited to 12 people. You will be accompanied throughout by Coaches Kerry and Ali, with special guest star (and meta-human) Phil Rossiter stopping for a chat at some stage.
Unlimited access to coaches means you can get advice and support on everything from nutrition to pole use.
This isn’t just for athletes attending the Old Ghost Ultramarathon! We appreciate that the pressure of race day and cut-offs aren’t for everyone so this training camp is about accessibility for anyone who perhaps doesn’t want to ‘race’ 85km. We will ensure that no matter what your speed you will not be left behind!
Trip Itinerary,
- Friday 10 Dec,
Head to Rough and Tumble Lodge. Shuttle from Westport to R+T a4 3pm
Accommodation – twin share. - Saturday 11 Dec,
Start our run at Seddonville.
Helicopter portage of overnight items – clothes, sleeping bag, dinner and breakfast (BYO) to Stern Valley Hut
42km of Old Ghost Road from Seddonville to Stern Valley Hut with charasmatic professional running coaches and trail guides
Accommodation at Stern Valley Hut (self-catered) - Sunday 12 Dec,
Run from Stern Valley up to Ghost Lake before descending to the track end near Lyell (43km). Again, in the company of your guides.
Helicopter portage of your Stern Valley Hut personal items to a designated pick up point.
Shuttle Lyell to Westport and the nights accommodation. - Monday 13 Dec,
Breakfast and farewells.
This trip includes (included in the price): 3 nights of accommodation, shuttles, Friday and Saturday night dinner, and Saturday and Sunday breakfasts. You will probably be able to make some snacks or light lunch to have on the trail Sunday however you will want to ensure you have your own normal long-run trail food (gels, Infinit etc) sorted/supplied yourself.
Terms and conditions,
Due to advanced booking confirmation and requirements, this is ‘pay-in-full’ non-refundable. You may transfer your spot to someone of your choosing at any time (no later than 48hrs prior to commencement).